Dear brothers, Orthodox Russians,
Your countrymen Russians, after the enormous disaster that befell Russia brought their most precious relics - icons to their new homeland Serbia in the period 1918 - 1930. These people were forced to sell their most valuable relics to save their lives and bare existence. It is the time now for these relics to find their way to their original homeland - Russia where they belong. The photographs of few characteristic icons painted in late 17th and early 18th century, which are only the small part of the particular collection, are enclosed as an illustration for the above statement. For all the detail information about the prices and the conditions for the restitution of these relics to their place of origin, please contact our E-mail address: |
Draga braco, pravoslavni Rusi,
Vasi sunarodnici Rusi, su posle velike tragedije koja je zadesila Rusiju, doneli svoje najvrednije relikvije - ikone u svoju novu domovinu Srbiju, u periodu 1918 - 1930. Ovi ljudi su bili primorani da prodaju svoje najvrednije relikvije da bi spasili svoje zivote i golu egzistenciju. Sada je vreme da se ove relikvije vrate u svoju postojbinu - Rusiju gde i pripadaju. Fotografije karakteristicnih ikona iz 17. i pocetka 18. veka, koje su samo mali deo ove kolekcije, se prilazu kao ilustracija. Za sve detaljne informacije o cenama i uslovima za povratak ovih relikvija u njihovu postojbinu, obratite se na nasu E-mail adresu: |
IMAGE 1 ANNUNCIATION, St. Alexander and St. Angelina or Paraskeva, triptych End of 17th or beginning of 18th century Tempera on the wooden panel, the dimensions of the open triptych are 11.8 x 16.2 cm. Without the signature or inscription. Painted in the excellent Russian manufacture. In very good condition. |
SLIKA 1 BLAGOVESTI, Sv. Aleksandar i Sv. Angelina ili Paraskeva, triptih Kraj 17. ili pocetak 18. veka Tempera na dasci, velicina otvorenog triptiha 11.8 x 16.2 cm. Bez potpisa i zapisa. Rad je neke odlicne ruske ikonopisne radionice. Dosta dobro ocuvan. |
IMAGE 2 A CHRIST IN THE GLORY with lifes of the saints First half of the 18th century. Tempera on the wooden panel, the dimensions are 35.3 x 30.5 cm. Without the signature or inscription. Painted in the excellent Russian manufacture, in very interesting and valuable manner. In excellent condition. |
SLIKA 2 HRIST U SLAVI sa zitijama i svetiteljima Prva polovina 18. veka. Tempera na dasci, velicina 35.3 x 30.5 cm. Bez potpisa i zapisa. Rad je odlicne ruske ikonopisne radionice, veoma zanimljive i vredne ikonografije. Odlicno ocuvana. |
IMAGE 3 MOTHER OF GOD End of the 18th century. Tempera on the wooden panel, the dimensions are 31.2 x 26.6 cm. Without the signature or inscription. Painted in the better Russian provincial manufacture. In excellent condition. NOTE: The icon is in the luxurious shackles from 19th century with the Cyrillic inscription A.B.E.D. and is decorated with natural pearls. |
SLIKA 3 BOGORODICA UMILJENIJA Kraj 18. veka. Tempera na dasci, velicina 31.2 x 26.6 cm. Bez potpisa i zapisa. Rad je bolje ruske provincijske ikonopisne radionice. Odlicno ocuvana. NAPOMENA: Ikona je veoma raskosno i skupo primenjeno ukrasena. na biserom vezenu podlogu, kosuljicu, postavljen je okov iz 19. veka, oznacen inicijalima: A.B.E.D. (cirilicom). |
IMAGE 4 CHRIST WHOLEHOLDER Around 1800 Tempera on the wooden panel, the dimensions are 30.8 x 24.6 cm. Without the signature or inscription. Painted in the excellent Russian manufacture form a bigger centre. In excellent condition. NOTE: The icon is in the luxurious shackles from 19th century (probably 1886) made in one of the best Russian manufactures, punctuation is 84, and initials are A.P. |
SLIKA 4 HRIST SVEDRZITELJ Oko 1800. Tempera na dasci, velicina 30.8 x 24.6 cm. Bez potpisa i zapisa. Rad je bolje ikonopisne radionice, iz nekog veceg centra. Odlicno ocuvana. NAPOMENA: Ikona ima okov, rad neke od najboljih ruskih radionica za izradu ikona. Punkcija je 84, inicijali: A.P. godina nejasna, verovatno 1886. |